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웹뷰 앱에 인텐트 스키마 도용 취약점 Your app contains an Intent Scheme Hijacking issue

by aisi1004 2018. 11. 20.

웹뷰 앱에 인텐트 스키마 도용 취약점 Your app contains an Intent Scheme Hijacking issue

구글 개발자 센터 메일 참고요

2가지 방법을 해결하라고 하네요.

우선 몇개 앱에 느낌표가 발생하고 보안 알림 앱에 인텐트 스키마 도용 취약점이 있습니다.

웹뷰 사용한 앱에 대부분 느낌표가 떠서 

우선 메일 온거 참고해서 업데이트하니 느낌표 없어지기는 했는데요

그냥 웹사이트 통으로 넣은 경우는
http 를 https 로 바꿔주면 됩니다.

보안 관련 느낌표 알림은 기한내 해결해야 앱이 삭제될수있으니 참고하세요.

메일 참고..

Your app contains an Intent Scheme Hijacking issue

Hello Google Play Developer,

One or more of your apps contain an Intent-Scheme Hijacking issue which can allow malicious networks and websites to access private app components.

Action required

  1. Sign in to your Play Console to see which apps are affected and the deadlines to resolve these issues.
  2. Update your affected apps using the steps highlighted below.
  3. Submit the updated versions of your affected apps.

Your app will be reviewed again. This process can take several hours. If the app has not been updated correctly, you will still see a notice in your Play Console. If there is no notice in your Play Console then no further action is required.

Please review the detailed steps below to fix the issue with your apps. After the deadlines shown in your Play Console, updates to affected apps will be blocked if the vulnerability is still present. Your published APK version will remain unaffected.

Additional details

WebViews that visit untrusted web content, parse intent:// links using Intent.parseUri, and send those Intents using startActivity are vulnerable to Intent-Scheme Hijacking. These WebViews can be tricked by malicious web content into sending arbitrary Intents to private app components. This can lead to app compromises such as the theft of private app data that such components manipulate. Note that untrusted web content includes content from trusted domains that is loaded over HTTP.

We recommend that you prevent this vulnerability in one of the following ways:

Option 1: Ensure that WebViews cannot send arbitrary Intents

Apps can constrain Intents constructed with Intent.parseUri to only be sent as Implicit Intents to components with BROWSABLE Intent Filters using the following code:

  // convert intent scheme URL to intent object
  Intent intent = Intent.parseUri(url);
  // forbid launching activities without BROWSABLE category
  // forbid explicit call
  // forbid intent with selector intent
  // start the activity by the intent
  view.getContext().startActivity(intent, -1);

Option 2: Ensure that affected WebViews do not load untrusted web content

If a WebView needs to parse arbitrary intent:// scheme URLs, please ensure that it does not load untrusted web content. Untrusted web content includes web content loaded over an unencrypted connection. Developers can set android:usesCleartextTraffic to false in their Manifest or set a Network Security Config that disallows HTTP traffic. Alternatively, they can ensure that any affected WebViews do not load any URLs with HTTP schemes with loadUrl.

We recommend that developers ensure that affected WebViews do not load unrestricted URLs obtained from untrusted sources (e.g., URLs obtained from untrusted Intents).

We're here to help

If you have technical questions about the vulnerability, you can post to Stack Overflowand use the tag "android-security." For clarification on steps you need to take to resolve this issue, you can contact our developer support team.

The Google Play Team
